martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Venezuela consumed by chaos

Venezuela is a country that is now consumed by chaos. There is turmoil in the streets, people protesting as a cause of the bad conditions and the awful government, disorder is not controllable on the streets. People that live in Venezuela are not allowed to leave the country, and have to live there with the idea that that day may be the last day they have as a cause of the insecurity in the streets.  
Many college students go out daily in order to protest against the government, but not all this protest end in a good manner. The public forces are killing a huge amount of students each day because they are considered a threat to Venezuela; protest became illegal. Either ways, students are not the only ones endangered at the streets but also the citizens as a cause of the insecurity. The streets in Venezuela are now full with robbers that are ready to strike at any moment. There are many daily cases in which citizens are killed because of the assaults made by the robbers. Venezuela is passing through a critical situation; a situation similar to what happened to Colombia some years ago.
Colombia suffered a crisis due to the constant fight between the drug cartels of the country. This was a time of huge insecurity in which the citizens that leaved their houses knew that the chances of not returning were enormous. The people that went out on the street knew that the person next to them could be a suicide bomber, that the bus they were in could be assaulted and get kidnapped by the cartels, or that they could get in between crossfire at any moment. This situation was also a time of crisis and insecurity for the people inside a country.

The quote: “People who don´t learn about history are condemned to repeat it,” demonstrates that the citizens of Venezuela and other countries should act to end this critic situation in order to prevent history from repeating itself. 

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