domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

the four horse men

All empires are determined to collapse. This event has happened since the early eras when the most mighty and powerful empires got finished. Today the empire that is reaching its decadence is the United States of America. The time in which the modern empire started its decadence was during the baby boom; period in which U.S reached the maximum point that empires could reach. This is caused by the excess of sex, money spending, and peoples greed. This caused that the breach between the rich and poor became bigger and bigger with time. As a cause of this the lower social class will loose more and more rights, which will cause turmoil between classes. This will cause the creation of a new empire.

What comes next to the entire collapse is competition so that the new empire gets created. This will cause that new governments and ideas spread around the world. The time for the new empire to rise will cause wars and create a tensing situation all around the world. Each of the world potencies will fight economically and militarily in order to demonstrate superiority. This will create bad situations in societies because each former empire will try to crash each others economy causing economical problems to the people. As Mahatma Gandhi said "there is enough for everyones need, but not for someones greed."This phrase demonstrates that due to all the former empires greed their people will suffer. 

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