sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014

Nature, the beauty of life

For almost seventeen years I’ve been looking and learning about how the world changes throughout time. This era in which I came to life was the time of extreme change; the way people think, act, etc. However, people are not the only ones that dramatically changed during this period of time, but also societies and the form people interact with one another. Now days you can go to the street, or any place without watching every person stupefied by electronic devices. What people do not realize is that all this technological and scientific development comes with a price. All the new factories rising up and companies that grow each day throughout the world are damaging the most valuable piece of art ever created, nature.
In this world consumed by technology I usually love to take a break and dispose my mind to the will of nature. There is no better sensation than separating from people, technology, and other things of that modern society imply in order to listen the silence of nature.  This is also a time in which you get to rationalize about your life; a time to know yourself. When I go out to the balcony of my house and place my eyes in the horizon I just see the beautiful colors of the sunset, or the brightness of the stars. This interaction usually brings back good memories that take a smile out of my face; memories that I am glad to remember. All the previous mentioned gives you peace; peace within yourself, peace with your mates, peace with nature, peace in general. I could reach the so wanted happiness. However, all this beauty has decreased as a cause of human expansion. If we continue this massacre towards nature what can we expect about the future of our children?
If we continue with the massive destruction of nature what would get to be of our world in the future? In what kind of conditions will our children and grand children live? And most important will they get to enjoy all the benefits that nature gives to our specie? If we do not react and do something about the protection of nature the previous questions could get easily answered.  If we do nothing for the protection of nature the future of our world will be dominated by technology; people will have no opportunity to enjoy the benefits of nature. I will start the green continence in order to give a promising future of this world. I do this with the hope that the future has the opportunity to reflect about their lives away from the stress that technology cause on the people. The problem is that people do not react to this issue because of their ignorance. Most people in the modern world think that why should they care about the environment if there are other people that will continue damaging it. Well as Margaret Mead said “Never believe that a few caring people can´t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” This quote demonstrates that big changes start with the help of small groups of people. Change is not something that happens in a matter of hours; it takes time and dedication in order to make things change. So end this idea of “I don´t do it because they don´t do it,” do it for the benefit of the future societies and your own. All this values that makes me think about the benefit of the others before my own were introduced to me at my school.
In the school Colegio Panamericano more than students they graduate citizens. Since we are in elementary school they teach us a set of values that makes us think of the benefit of the entire community before your own. We learn how to work in teams, helping one another, to succeed and reach our goals no matter what obstacles our life puts ahead of us. All these values will be useful to accomplish the goal of a better future to our world because I’ve learned to overcome obstacles and work for others benefit. I will focus my studies on the reduction of harmful environmental gases and will get as much help as I can in order to apply it to the industry.
In the petroleum industry lots of harmful gases are thrown to the atmosphere every day. Scientists are trying to control this emission of gases in order to reduce the environmental consequences. I will contribute to this cause by learning about the gases that the petroleum industry throws to the atmosphere and focusing my college studies in ways to prevent or decrease these harmful gases. No matter how small the change I make I will use all my knowledge to give the opportunities I have of meeting with myself in the silence of nature to the future generations. As mentioned before all big changes are not done in a matter of hours; it takes time and dedication to succeed.
Work cited

BrainyQuote,. 'Margaret Mead Quotes At Brainyquote'. N. p., 2014. Web. 4 May. 2014. 

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