sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014

Nature, the beauty of life

For almost seventeen years I’ve been looking and learning about how the world changes throughout time. This era in which I came to life was the time of extreme change; the way people think, act, etc. However, people are not the only ones that dramatically changed during this period of time, but also societies and the form people interact with one another. Now days you can go to the street, or any place without watching every person stupefied by electronic devices. What people do not realize is that all this technological and scientific development comes with a price. All the new factories rising up and companies that grow each day throughout the world are damaging the most valuable piece of art ever created, nature.
In this world consumed by technology I usually love to take a break and dispose my mind to the will of nature. There is no better sensation than separating from people, technology, and other things of that modern society imply in order to listen the silence of nature.  This is also a time in which you get to rationalize about your life; a time to know yourself. When I go out to the balcony of my house and place my eyes in the horizon I just see the beautiful colors of the sunset, or the brightness of the stars. This interaction usually brings back good memories that take a smile out of my face; memories that I am glad to remember. All the previous mentioned gives you peace; peace within yourself, peace with your mates, peace with nature, peace in general. I could reach the so wanted happiness. However, all this beauty has decreased as a cause of human expansion. If we continue this massacre towards nature what can we expect about the future of our children?
If we continue with the massive destruction of nature what would get to be of our world in the future? In what kind of conditions will our children and grand children live? And most important will they get to enjoy all the benefits that nature gives to our specie? If we do not react and do something about the protection of nature the previous questions could get easily answered.  If we do nothing for the protection of nature the future of our world will be dominated by technology; people will have no opportunity to enjoy the benefits of nature. I will start the green continence in order to give a promising future of this world. I do this with the hope that the future has the opportunity to reflect about their lives away from the stress that technology cause on the people. The problem is that people do not react to this issue because of their ignorance. Most people in the modern world think that why should they care about the environment if there are other people that will continue damaging it. Well as Margaret Mead said “Never believe that a few caring people can´t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” This quote demonstrates that big changes start with the help of small groups of people. Change is not something that happens in a matter of hours; it takes time and dedication in order to make things change. So end this idea of “I don´t do it because they don´t do it,” do it for the benefit of the future societies and your own. All this values that makes me think about the benefit of the others before my own were introduced to me at my school.
In the school Colegio Panamericano more than students they graduate citizens. Since we are in elementary school they teach us a set of values that makes us think of the benefit of the entire community before your own. We learn how to work in teams, helping one another, to succeed and reach our goals no matter what obstacles our life puts ahead of us. All these values will be useful to accomplish the goal of a better future to our world because I’ve learned to overcome obstacles and work for others benefit. I will focus my studies on the reduction of harmful environmental gases and will get as much help as I can in order to apply it to the industry.
In the petroleum industry lots of harmful gases are thrown to the atmosphere every day. Scientists are trying to control this emission of gases in order to reduce the environmental consequences. I will contribute to this cause by learning about the gases that the petroleum industry throws to the atmosphere and focusing my college studies in ways to prevent or decrease these harmful gases. No matter how small the change I make I will use all my knowledge to give the opportunities I have of meeting with myself in the silence of nature to the future generations. As mentioned before all big changes are not done in a matter of hours; it takes time and dedication to succeed.
Work cited

BrainyQuote,. 'Margaret Mead Quotes At Brainyquote'. N. p., 2014. Web. 4 May. 2014. 

miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Light bulb conspirancy

In this movie they talk about the history of planned obsolescence; how it started and evolved throughout the years. This idea of planned obsolescence got created in order to improve the economy in the economic crisis. With products that did not lasted for ever money will constantly circulate the market, which will cause the rising of new companies and the creation of more jobs for the citizens. The first planned obsolensence created in the system consisted on giving the products a determined lifetime, so that after some time of using it it will damage making the people go buy a new one. The first victims of obsolescence were the light bulbs. Companies started decreasing and decreasing their "life time" until they reached the 1000 hour usage. Either ways this idea was rejected by society and companies stopped producing this kind of products. With the fall of this kind of planned obsolescence another one rose in the market.

The new planned obsolescence consisted in making a lightly different product and making the people desire it. Every once in a while the companies manufactured a new product slightly different tithe others and advertise it in order to make the citizens give away shatter had nada quire the new one.
The greatest example of this kind of planned obsolescence is the apple industry. They take out new phones, iPods, ect. to the market  and make small changes in them in order to make the products see new. In the modern society you can buy a new thing today that can become old tomorrow.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

the four horse men

All empires are determined to collapse. This event has happened since the early eras when the most mighty and powerful empires got finished. Today the empire that is reaching its decadence is the United States of America. The time in which the modern empire started its decadence was during the baby boom; period in which U.S reached the maximum point that empires could reach. This is caused by the excess of sex, money spending, and peoples greed. This caused that the breach between the rich and poor became bigger and bigger with time. As a cause of this the lower social class will loose more and more rights, which will cause turmoil between classes. This will cause the creation of a new empire.

What comes next to the entire collapse is competition so that the new empire gets created. This will cause that new governments and ideas spread around the world. The time for the new empire to rise will cause wars and create a tensing situation all around the world. Each of the world potencies will fight economically and militarily in order to demonstrate superiority. This will create bad situations in societies because each former empire will try to crash each others economy causing economical problems to the people. As Mahatma Gandhi said "there is enough for everyones need, but not for someones greed."This phrase demonstrates that due to all the former empires greed their people will suffer. 

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Colombian monetary system

Is money real?

The FDA is an American organization in charge of printing money for the U.S. Citizens. When the FDA prints a certain amount of money and the government gives them the same amount in treasury bonds. The problem is that the government will never have the money to pay back the FAD because they expect to receive interests from the loan, but the U.S. government can't print more money. This is the reason why money is equal to debt.If there is debt in a country there will be debt, but if there is no debt the use of money will become unnecessary. This means that if every citizen in the United States gets to pay their debts, money will not be needed.A side from the previous mentioned there is also a system in which banks create "air money." The banks loan to the citizens they are lending the money of another person that putted it into the bank. The loans are not actually the banks money, but the money is from the citizens. His is why the banks have more time than the one they are initially given.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Drug cartels in Rios favelas

The world cup is coming and Brazil still suffers of violence in their streets. Just a few months before Rio de Janeiro welcomes visitors for the World Cup, and two years before it hosts the Olympics, security within the city remains a major issue. The favelas, which are the working class areas, are controlled by drug groups of the area. As a cause of this the governor set up permanent stations of police units in the different favelas of Rio in order to quickly respond to gang activity. As mentioned in the article crackdown in Brazil´s favelas “There are now approximately 34 Pacifying Police Units in Rio, controlling more than 100 favelas where hundreds of thousands reside.”
This is an important measure taken by the government not only for the control of drug activity in Rio, but also to offer a better security for the millions that will visit Brazil to enjoy the world cup. This is an important event for people of different nationalities all around the world. The police stations are prepared to act against any suspicious gang activity. This demonstrates that Brazil is prepared to give security to their visitors. However, many of the favelas in Brazil are still in the hands of criminals that are not willing to be pacified.

Photo taken from the article Crackdown in Brazils favelas
Worck cited:
Unknown. "In Pictures: Crackdown in Brazil's favelas." Aljazeera.com, 2014. Web. 1 Apr 2014. <http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/inpictures/2014/04/pictures-crackdown-brazil-favelas-2014419441497812.html>.

lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

do you know the origin of your food?

An economic hit man is someone hired in order to bankrupt other countries. As soon as the economy of the country is in the ground U.S.A. enters and extracts resources from the poor country. This is something that makes the rich countries richer and the poor ones poorer.
There is something similar happening with food chains. Earlier in this era the food market in U.S.A was controlled by many different companies, but now a day only control almost entirely the food market. Becoming a farmer is economically difficult since they need big amounts of money for things such as feeding their animals, building chicken houses, etc. Here is when the big companies enter and loan money to the framers; a debt that becomes bigger and bigger. When the farmers bankrupt the companies force them to work only for them.
Since the fast food market demands a lot of food production have changed over the years.  Farmers today raise animals in the ugliest conditions that you can imagine. These conditions lower the meat standards, are unsanitary, and as a cause of these animals develop different diseases. As a cause of the big debt that the farmers have with the companies they are forced by the companies to maintain silent. When the farmers decide to talk in interviews they lose their job almost instantly.

The food citizens eat is junk food. Everything is raised in bad conditions and is harming the citizen’s health. My recommendation is to be aware of what you are eating before it’s too late. 

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

How to mess up other countries

An economic hit man is someone hired by a corporation in order to mess with other countries economy. This has consequences such as creating turmoil in other countries and makes the rich countries richer and the poor countries poorer. The economic hit man loans money to a country and makes it an almost unpayable debt.  This is when the United States intervenes by taking resources from the country as a cause of the debt between them.
This corporation is never willing to give up their requirements for certain situations. If the other country does not agree they will fool their enemy in order to create a situation that benefits them. There is an example in the book Confessions of an Economic Hit man in which Panama’s ruler does not want to give away their canal. Shortly after this demonstration of resistance the ruler died in a plane crash.  Then the ruler that succeeded him also opposed the canal situation; a few months later he will also get killed in a plane crash. These events demonstrate that they are not willing to give up their requirements no matter the cost.
U.S.A fully benefited by the obtention of the canal economically. By obtaining the canal the United States will grow economically, while Panama will have no benefits over its own land resources.  This is completely unfair because each country should work their own resources in order to benefit economically. The economic hit man makes that poor countries are not able to use their resources and keep them from growing economically.

In conclusion the economic hit man is someone trained to bankrupt other countries in order to benefit U.S.A economically. They fool country leaders in order to create a huge debt between them and the United States. When this debt becomes unaffordable the United States have a complete benefit of the other countries resources.

Malaysia airlines plane disappeared?

This is an event that had a great impact in many different places all over the world. There also exist a different bunch of theories about what happened to the plane. Some said it got abducted, others that there was a fire and other technical problems, and a suicidal action of the pilot.

This event could have been a fail of abduction of the plane. There were pieces found at more than seven flight hours away from the determined flight line for the MH370 between Kuala, Lumpur, and Pekin.  This big distance between the determined flight line and were some plane pieces were found could demonstrate the plane abduction. Even though, shortly after the plane got abducted, some technical problems could have caused the crashing of the plane. This is a relief for many people but also huge pain for others.

The people that thought that the plane got abducted waited for a terrorist attack at any moment, but this also gave hope to the families of the victims that their loved ones still alive. The finding of the plane pieces is the relief for many people because there will be no terrorist attack with the plane. Either ways the families of the victims now know that their loved ones are dead which will be even more hurtful.

Finally the pilot of the plane mentioned a polemical phrase during the flight. This phrase could make people think that he was involved in the plane crash. At the middle of the flight the pilot mentioned “Todo bien buenas noches” which could demonstrate that the pilot knew something was going to happen.

We cannot be sure about any of this possibilities but something happened in that plane for sure. Which event convinces you the most?

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Maduro inventing conspiracies

The president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, just before proposing a high level commission for peace and respect mentioned that it will be a mistake to kill him. Maduro always invents conspiracies. These conspiracies were once made with Colombia and now it was made to the president of the United States. Nicolas maduro announced that Barack Obama had a plan to kill him. Due to the conflict between Washington and caraca maduro announces: “Presidente Obama, con todo respeto te digo, sé que en tu despacho están el conjunto de recomendaciones, algunas de ellas extremistas, y sé qué le ha pasado por la mente a los halcones del Departamento de Estado y del Pentágono, lo sé con nombre y apellido, proponerte el asesinato del presidente de Venezuela como medida extrema para buscar la crisis en nuestro país. Así lo denuncio”.  This quote demonstrates that all around the world there have been discussions about the crisis that Venezuelans are currently living. This discussions do not have to be so extremist giving the death of Maduro as an option, but there must be ideas on how to improve Venezuela's situation. 

Maduro denuncia que Obama quiere matarlo.
Taken from tha article :"Maduro Denuncio que Obama Planea Asesinarlo."

Work cited:
               Larazon. 2014. Maduro denunció que Obama planea asesinarlo. [online] Available at: http://www.larazon.com.ar/internacional/Maduro-denuncio-Obama-planea-asesinarlo_0_551400103.html [Accessed: 16 Mar 2014].

race is just an illusion

What is race? Is it an idea supported by science and genetics or just an idea used to segregate humans due to their physical appearance? We all know that humans are physically different; it’s easy to distinguish a Latin from German citizens. What humans define as race has no genetic basis, as mentioned by the documental race the power of an illusion in human race there is almost no difference between races, and there is more variation within not between this so called races. The previous idea illustrates that humans are the most genetically alike specie in the world; therefore human “subspecies” have no genetic backup.
Race is a justification for social inequalities and segregation as natural. As the race of concept evolved it justified things such as discrimination of negros, Asians, Mexicans, etc. Back in the 20´s scientist tried to justify this kind of discrimination by proving those groups as an inferior race. An example that the documental race the power of an illusion gave us was the black people´s biological background. Scientist explained that due to their different physical attributes such as their different cranial shape made them inferior specie. As a cause of the previous statement whites discriminated black people in order to prevent the mixing of races, and with this prevent the “damaging” of white superiority.    

In conclusion race is an idea that has no scientific backup because humans are the most alike specie in the world. The idea of race was created by humans in order to discriminate other people as a cause of physical differences. 

Photo taken from the article "Human Race"


Pbs.org. 2014. RACE - The Power of an Illusion . What Is Race | PBS. [online] Available at: http://www.pbs.org/race/001_WhatIsRace/001_00-home.htm [Accessed: 16 Mar 2014].

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Unification against maduro's regime

The vice president of the United States recently criticized the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, for inventing conspiracies. Maduro has been a president who do not care about the situation his country is in, and rejects the idea that Venezuela is consumed by chaos. According to the vice president of U.S.A. Joe Biden the president of Venezuela is just trying to distract the people from the events that really matter in his country. According to the previous statement the purpose of the violence in the streets of Venezuela is to terrorize the citizens in order to keep them for fighting for their rights.

The president Maduro responded with the only answer he has: Biden, es un "abusador" por afirmar que Venezuela enfrenta una situación político-social "alarmante," "Ellos saben que se les apagó el golpe de Estado... y quiere darle ánimo a los golpistas." In other words the critique from Biden was just a "conspiracy" agains his government; that Biden just wants to give the opposition hope. 

Now Biden finds himself at chile in order to talk about Venezuela's crisis with: Michelle Bachelet (president of chile), Juan Manuel santos (president of Colombia), Ollanta Humala (president of Peru), and Enrique Peña Nieto (president of Mexico). Either ways Vice President Biden is not the only one concerned about this; Latin American ministers of UNASUR will also analyze the situation of Venezuela.

Photo taken from the article: "Maduro Inventa Conspiraciones"

Lemon tree, a representation of israeli unfairness

Lemon tree is a movie that demonstrate the unfairness that the Palestinians have to suffer under the Israeli regime. All we hear is about suicide bombing attacks made by the Palestinians in Israeli territory, but we never get to know the bad situation in which most of the Palestinians have to live each day. As mentioned by a Jewish deputy "the only way that the Palestinians Can fight against the Jewish regime is with the use of terrorism." 

Israel became the strongest force in this territory. They have almost  absolute controls over the Palestinians, and control each detail of palestinian's life. This is demonstrated in the movie lemon tree when the live of a Palestinian civilian, Salma, gets turned upside down when a Jewish minister moves next to her. Salma has a plantation of lemon trees that her dad gave to her and is the way in which Salma survives economically. According to the Israeli secret service this plantation of lemon trees represented a threat for the ministers security. The secret agents mentioned that at any time a terrorist group could hide there and attack the ministers family. Salma tries to fight this injustice, however she is forced to cut her trees down to 30 centimeters.

The minister did not cared about what the trees mattered to Salma; they just determined that the minister interest where much more important than her interests. There could not be better representation on what is happening between Israel and Palestine Thant he one of this movie. Today in Israel, after the control of the West Bank and gala, Palestinians are forced to live under Israeli conditions. Palestinian lives are the result of the Israeli government wanting to get power any cost.

 I highly recommend this movie in order to get a better understanding of what is really happening in Israel; the unfairness many civilians have to live day to day. 

Lemon Tree. Dir. Eran Riklins. Perf. Haim Abbass, Ali Suliman, Rona Lipaz-Michael, Doron Tavory. IFC Films, 2008. Film.

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Israel and Palestine conflict

I found an article about Israel and Palestinian constant conflict http://www.economist.com/news/middle-east-and-africa/21597967-israel-doing-too-little-protect-muslim-heritage-sites-constant-competition and considered it evidence about the fight between Muslims and Jews for holly ground.  This explains to me that this fight is not only for territory, but also to preserve the religion and culture of each group involved. What do you think about this article?
Image taken from the article "Constant competition, Israel is doing little to protect Muslim heritage sites" 

Jewish invaders

Jewish people think that the west bank occupation is what they deserve and a territory that belongs to them. There is a show in youtube called dining with terrorists in which a journalist adventures in the western territory in order to identify when a man has the right to fight without being called a terrorist.  In the videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzNWCltcqdo and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FYsBRq5l0U the journalist demonstrates the different point of views between Gaza’s “terrorism” and how Jews feel about their occupation in the west bank.
In the first video the journalist goes to some of the Jewish settlements and talks to a priest about how Jews are invaders of Palestinian lands. To begin the discussion the priest takes the journalist to the highest point of the land and reads a fragment of Tanaj, one of the sacred books of the Jews, which states “God says to Abraham to lift up your eyes and see from the place that you are; to the North, to the south, to the east and the west, and everything that you see in this land to you and then to you I will give this, and your offspring forever.” The priest says that this fragment is the “truth,” but the truth is an abused word in this case. Jews are invading Palestinian territories.
In the second video the journalist adventures to the Gaza strip in order to see what do the Palestinians called terrorist in the west think of themselves. In Gaza a group labeled terrorist in the west were elected by the people in order to fight against the occupation of their territory.  Hamas, the elected terrorist group, are labeled as terrorist because they use missiles and suicide bombers in order to attack Jewish civilians. The defense that the “terrorist” use against this accusation is that in Israel all the citizens are a part of the Jewish army; as mentioned by a soldier “today they are sales man, but tomorrow they will become soldiers for the Jewish state.” This demonstrates a justification for the Arab acts against civilians and also a Jewish deputy director admits that the only thing Palestinians have left is to terrorize in order to fight against these settlements.


Rease, Fill. "Dining with terrorists - Fighting occupation-28 Feb 09-Pt 1." YouTube, 2014. Web. 2 Mar 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzNWCltcqdo>.

           Rease, Fill. "Dining with terrorists - Fighting occupation -28 Feb 09-Pt 2." YouTube, 2014. Web. 2 Mar 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FYsBRq5l0U>. 

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Venezuela consumed by chaos

Venezuela is a country that is now consumed by chaos. There is turmoil in the streets, people protesting as a cause of the bad conditions and the awful government, disorder is not controllable on the streets. People that live in Venezuela are not allowed to leave the country, and have to live there with the idea that that day may be the last day they have as a cause of the insecurity in the streets.  
Many college students go out daily in order to protest against the government, but not all this protest end in a good manner. The public forces are killing a huge amount of students each day because they are considered a threat to Venezuela; protest became illegal. Either ways, students are not the only ones endangered at the streets but also the citizens as a cause of the insecurity. The streets in Venezuela are now full with robbers that are ready to strike at any moment. There are many daily cases in which citizens are killed because of the assaults made by the robbers. Venezuela is passing through a critical situation; a situation similar to what happened to Colombia some years ago.
Colombia suffered a crisis due to the constant fight between the drug cartels of the country. This was a time of huge insecurity in which the citizens that leaved their houses knew that the chances of not returning were enormous. The people that went out on the street knew that the person next to them could be a suicide bomber, that the bus they were in could be assaulted and get kidnapped by the cartels, or that they could get in between crossfire at any moment. This situation was also a time of crisis and insecurity for the people inside a country.

The quote: “People who don´t learn about history are condemned to repeat it,” demonstrates that the citizens of Venezuela and other countries should act to end this critic situation in order to prevent history from repeating itself. 

lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

about me

I am Camilo Amaya, a senior student from Colegio Panamericano. The reason I opened this blog is to post comments of events that are currently happening in the world you live in. It is important for people to be updated in the recent events that are happening around them in order to build opinions, and know if these events may somehow affect your country or community.